CISO Online prioritises User Awareness Training, delivering comprehensive solutions that incorporate Cybersecurity Awareness Training in partnership with Ninjio. Strengthen your organisation’s defences against cyber threats by equipping your users with the expertise to identify and proactively mitigate potential risks.

Take the first step towards strengthening your team’s cyber awareness today.


In the realm of cybersecurity, human error remains the leading cause of breaches. Recognising this critical vulnerability, CISO Online, in collaboration with Ninjio, offers a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training program.

Ninjio’s all-in-one training solution is designed to transform every employee into a vigilant cyber defender. By leveraging engaging and personalised content, Ninjio facilitates a seamless shift in organisational behaviour towards heightened cybersecurity awareness.

Through the Ninjio platform, organisations can easily track and report on the effectiveness of their training efforts. This enables stakeholders to witness tangible progress as cyber risks diminish over time.

With CISO Online and Ninjio at the helm, organisations can proactively address cybersecurity threats by empowering their workforce to recognise and mitigate potential risks, thus bolstering their overall security posture.

invest in your team with comprehensive user awareness training.


Elevate Your Team’s Cybersecurity Awareness with CISO Online’s Ninjio Partnership
teaches what hacks look like

teaches what hacks feel like

tests and builds risk profiles
gives your people the tool to report suspected risks

Harnessing the power of our collaboration with Ninjio, CISO Online delivers top-tier User Awareness Training solutions designed to fortify your organisation’s cybersecurity posture. With Ninjio’s innovative approach to cybersecurity education, transforming behaviour within your organisation becomes seamless and effective.


Our partnership with Ninjio allows us to provide engaging and personalised cybersecurity awareness training content tailored to your organisation’s needs. Through our platform, you can easily track and report on the success of your training efforts, witnessing a tangible decline in cyber risk over time.


Recognising that human error is a leading cause of breaches, Ninjio’s comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training program empowers every employee to become a frontline defender against cyber threats. By immersing learners in attack vector-based training, Ninjio ensures that employees stay informed about the latest cyber threats, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to malicious attacks.


Ninjio Aware features concise 3–4-minute microlearning episodes delivered through Hollywood-style storytelling. Based on recent real-life hacks, these engaging modules captivate learners’ attention while imparting essential cybersecurity knowledge.

other cybersecurity services
offered by CISO ONLINE™


What is cybersecurity awareness training?

Cybersecurity awareness training is an educational program designed to inform employees about cybersecurity threats, safe practices, and the importance of following security policies. Its goal is to reduce the risk of human error leading to security incidents.

Why is cybersecurity awareness training important?

Reduce Risk: Helps prevent common security breaches caused by human error.

Compliance: Meets regulatory and industry requirements for employee training.

Incident Response: Empowers employees to recognise and report potential security incidents.

Culture of Security: Fosters a security-conscious culture within the organisation.

Protect Assets: Ensures the safety of sensitive data and IT systems.

Who should participate in cybersecurity awareness training?

All employees, contractors, and third-party partners with access to the organisation’s IT systems and data should participate in cybersecurity awareness training. This includes executives, managers, and technical staff.

What topics should be covered in cybersecurity awareness training?

Phishing and Social Engineering: How to recognise and avoid phishing scams and social engineering attacks.

Password Security: Best practices for creating and managing strong passwords.

Email and Internet Use: Safe browsing habits and email security protocols.

Data Protection: How to handle sensitive information securely.

Mobile Security: Protecting mobile devices and data on the go.

Incident Reporting: Procedures for reporting suspicious activities or security incidents.

Physical Security: Safeguarding physical access to systems and devices.

Compliance Requirements: Understanding relevant laws and regulations.

How often should cybersecurity awareness training be conducted?

Initial Training: Upon hire, all employees should receive cybersecurity training.

Regular Updates: Training should be conducted at least annually.

Ongoing Reinforcement: Regular updates and refreshers, such as monthly or quarterly, to keep employees informed about the latest threats and best practices.

Ad-Hoc Training: Additional training sessions following significant security incidents or changes in policies and procedures.

What methods can be used to deliver cybersecurity awareness training?

Online Courses: Interactive e-learning modules that employees can complete at their own pace.

In-Person Workshops: Classroom-style sessions led by security experts.

Webinars: Live or recorded sessions accessible remotely.

Email Newsletters: Regular updates and tips sent via email.

Posters and Infographics: Visual reminders placed around the workplace.

Simulated Phishing Tests: Practical exercises to test employees' ability to recognise phishing attempts.

How can the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness training be measured?

Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Tests to gauge knowledge before and after training sessions.

Phishing Simulations: Track the success rate of employees recognising and reporting simulated phishing emails.

Incident Reports: Monitor the number and quality of security incident reports before and after training.

Surveys and Feedback: Collect feedback from participants on the training’s relevance and effectiveness.

Compliance Rates: Measure adherence to security policies and procedures.

What are some common challenges in implementing cybersecurity awareness training?

Engagement: Keeping employees interested and engaged in training content.

Consistency: Ensuring training is delivered consistently across the organisation.

Relevance: Making training content relevant to different roles and departments.

Retention: Ensuring employees retain and apply what they have learned.

Tracking Progress: Monitoring participation and completion rates.

How can organisations make cybersecurity awareness training more engaging?

Interactive Content: Use quizzes, games, and simulations to make learning more interactive.

Real-World Scenarios: Provide examples and case studies that are relevant to employees' roles.

Gamification: Implement a rewards system for completing training modules or recognising top performers.

Short, Focused Sessions: Break training into shorter, manageable sessions to maintain attention.

Regular Updates: Keep content current and relevant by updating it regularly to reflect the latest threats and best practices.

What role does leadership play in cybersecurity awareness training?

Support and Endorsement: Leadership should endorse and actively support the training program.

Leading by Example: Executives and managers should participate in training to set an example.

Resource Allocation: Ensure adequate resources are allocated for comprehensive training programs.

Policy Enforcement: Support the enforcement of security policies and procedures reinforced by training.

Can cybersecurity awareness training prevent all cyber threats?

While training significantly reduces the risk of human error and improves overall security awareness, it cannot prevent all cyber threats. It should be part of a broader cybersecurity strategy that includes technical controls, policies, and incident response plans.

How does cybersecurity awareness training align with overall cybersecurity strategy?

Risk Mitigation: Training reduces human error, a common factor in security incidents.

Policy Reinforcement: Ensures employees understand and follow security policies.

Incident Response: Prepares employees to recognise and report security incidents promptly.

Continuous Improvement: Regular training sessions help keep security practices up to date with evolving threats.

What are some key benefits of cybersecurity awareness training?

Reduced Incidents: Fewer security breaches caused by human error.

Improved Compliance: Meets regulatory requirements for security training.

Enhanced Security Culture: Creates a culture where security is a shared responsibility.

Employee Empowerment: Empowers employees to take an active role in protecting the organisation’s assets.

Cost Savings: Reduces the potential financial impact of security incidents.

How does CISO Online tailor its cybersecurity awareness training to different organisations?

CISO Online recognises that each organisation has unique risks and requirements. We make cybersecurity awareness training fun and customise our training content based on your industry, the specific threats you face, and your corporate culture, ensuring the training is relevant, engaging, and effective for your team.