CISO Online™ stands as a forefront provider of data protection cybersecurity services, offering a holistic approach to fortify your digital assets. Our comprehensive solution encompasses cutting-edge features such as Data Classification and Labelling, ensuring a structured approach to safeguarding sensitive information.

Click to discover how CISO Online™ can empower your organisation with advanced cybersecurity solutions.


The exponential growth of data, blurring of traditional organisational boundaries, and increased workforce collaboration, has made protecting and governing important data more challenging than ever. Data is created, stored, and shared across many locations – devices, apps, cloud services and on-premises. The evolving compliance landscape only adds to the complexity. CISO Online’s comprehensive solutions enable you to protect and govern your data, throughout its lifecycle – wherever it lives, or wherever it travels. We give customers the flexibility to implement the necessary controls to meet both internal and external security and compliance requirements.


We employ state-of-the-art Data Loss Prevention (DLP) measures, proactively identifying and mitigating potential data breaches. What sets us apart is our seamless Integration of Data Classification and DLP, creating a robust defence against evolving cyber threats.

The first challenge many organisations face is identifying what kind of,

and how much, data exists in their environment. You need a deep

understanding of how much sensitive data exists and where it is stored before it can be protected and governed. This information is critical to assess your overall risk, which helps you define your strategy for protecting and governing the data. Start your journey by discovering and classifying important data across your environment.

Here are some of the types of questions you will answer during this process:

CISO Online™ seamlessly integrates Data Classification and DLP to bring forth a synergy that enhances your organisation’s overall cybersecurity posture. This integration ensures that data classification informs DLP policies, aligning the security measures precisely with the sensitivity of the data. Additionally, automated responses based on data classification streamline incident response, mitigating potential risks promptly and effectively. Through user awareness programs, we educate employees about the importance of data classification, fostering a culture of awareness and responsibility regarding data protection

Contact us today to fortify your data against evolving cyber threats. Your security is our priority


know your data

Understand your data landscape and identify important data across your hybrid environment

protect your data

Apply flexible protection actions including encryption, access restrictions and visual markings

prevent your data

Detect risky behavior and prevent accidental oversharing of sensitive information

govern your data

Understand your data landscape and identify important data across your hybrid environment

Powered by an intelligent platform

Unified approach to automatic data classification, policy management, analytics and APIs

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding data protection is paramount for organisations navigating the complexities of cybersecurity. Neglecting this crucial aspect exposes businesses to a myriad of threats, including identity theft and fraud, which can have far-reaching consequences. Such oversights not only put sensitive data at risk but also undermine trust, compromise competitive advantages, and threaten the very foundation of success in an interconnected global marketplace.

Beyond simply mitigating cyber threats, our mission extends to cultivating a culture of cybersecurity awareness within organisations. By instilling a proactive mindset and fostering best practices, we empower businesses to navigate the ever-evolving cyber risks landscape with resilience. This proactive approach not only enhances operational security but also safeguards reputation, a priceless asset in today’s interconnected world.

Choosing to partner with CISO Online™ signifies a dedication to upholding the security and integrity of your business in the face of intricate digital challenges. Our tailored solutions and comprehensive approach ensure that you remain shielded from the rising tide of cyber threats, offering peace of mind in an era where data protection is paramount.

Cyber safety starts here. ensure your organisation is protected against the growing threats of data breaches and cybercrime in today’s digital era.


Are you a business owner, organisation, or government entity grappling with the complexities of data security solutions?
CISO Online™ is here to alleviate your concerns and provide clarity.
Our mission is to safeguard your data and guide your business towards optimal security measures. We achieve this by delivering customised solutions, let’s explore these…

Here are our key solutions for your data protection needs

Data Classification, Labelling and Governance with Microsoft Purview

Unlock Unmatched Data Protection with CISO Online's Integration of Microsoft Purview

Glossary with business and technical search terms to aid data discovery

Unified map of your data assets and their relationships for more effective data governance

In-place data sharing in near real time and easy provisioning of data access

Insights into the management of sensitive data across your entire data estate

At CISO Online™, we understand that data is the lifeblood of modern organisations. Protecting and harnessing this valuable asset requires robust data governance, classification, and labelling. That’s why we’ve partnered with Microsoft to bring you an integrated solution that empowers your data management strategy: Microsoft Purview.

Data classification is the cornerstone of effective data governance. It allows you to organise and categorise your data assets based on their business context. With Microsoft Purview, you can have:
Once your data is classified, labelling provides essential context and security. Here’s how Microsoft Purview helps:
Effective governance is about more than just classification and labelling. It’s about understanding data lineage, access policies, and usage patterns. With Microsoft Purview, you gain:

Endpoint DLP with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint</span

Fortify your Data with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Endpoint DLP with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Fortify your Data with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Safeguarding your sensitive data is our top priority. We recognise that organisations face ever-evolving threats, and protecting data at the endpoint is critical. That’s why we’ve joined forces with Microsoft to offer a robust solution: Endpoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) integrated with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

industry regulations. End users don’t always know what information

industry regulations. End users don’t always know what information they’re permitted to share with others in and outside the organization. They may also share sensitive data accidentally. The data loss prevention (DLP) solution detects sensitive content and helps prevent accidental oversharing in and outside the organisation.
Let’s delve into how this partnership benefits your data security strategy:

1. Seamless Onboarding with Defender for Endpoint

2. Centralised Control and Behavior Management

3. Advanced Classification and Protection

4. Data Lineage and Governance

Email DLP with
Microsoft Defender

Enhance security with industry- leading Al and automation

Protect against advanced cyberattacks with XDR

Strengthen email security without compromise

Get comprehensive security for collaboration tools

We recognise the critical role that email plays in modern business communication. Unfortunately, it’s also a prime target for cybercriminals. That’s why we’ve partnered with Microsoft to provide a robust solution: Microsoft Defender for Email Security.

Key Features:

1. Native Email Security

2. Comprehensive Collaboration Tool Security

3. Industry-Leading AI and Automation

4. Advanced Cyberattack Protection with XDR

Secure your digital assets and mitigate the risk of data breaches with CISO Online’s integration of Microsoft Defender to ensure your email data is secure. Our proactive approach to data protection ensures that your organisation remains resilient against evolving cyber threats.

Cloud DLP with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Elevate Your Data Protection with CISO Online's Cloud Protection


At CISO Online™, we understand the critical importance of safeguarding your organisation’s sensitive data in the cloud. As cyber threats continue to evolve, robust data loss prevention (DLP) measures are essential to prevent accidental or malicious data leaks. That’s why we’ve partnered with Microsoft to offer a comprehensive solution that combines the power of Cloud DLP with Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud is a powerful security solution designed specifically for cloud environments. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, Azure, and other cloud services. Here’s how it enhances your data protection efforts:

Reduce risk with contextual security posture management

Help prevent, detect, and respond quickly to cyberthreats

Unify security management fo DevOps

Cloud App Security with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Securing Your Cloud Applications with Microsoft Defender for Cloud


In today’s hybrid work environments, Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are the backbone of productivity. However, protecting these apps and the critical data they house presents a formidable challenge for organisations. As employees access company resources beyond the corporate perimeter, new attack vectors emerge. At CISO Online™, we recognise the urgency of safeguarding your cloud app data, and that’s why we’ve partnered with Microsoft to introduce Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.


The SaaS Security landscape today results in SaaS apps being everywhere—driving collaboration, communication, and business processes. But their widespread adoption also exposes organisations to risks. Beyond traditional Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) provide valuable insights, but they fall short in addressing the full spectrum of SaaS security challenges. We need a more comprehensive approach.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a game-changer. It goes beyond the basics, empowering security teams to protect your cloud app data across critical feature areas:
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a game-changer. It goes beyond the basics, empowering security teams to protect your cloud app data across critical feature areas:

1. Fundamental CASB Functionality

2. SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM)

3. Advanced Threat Protection

4. App-to-App Protection

Why Choose CISO Online™ and Microsoft Defender for Cloud?

Know your data, protect your data, prevent data loss, and govern your data

Connect with our skilled cybersecurity team to fortify your organisation against cyber threats and ensure robust protection for your identity, data, and digital assets. Learn how CISO Online™ utilises these strategies to safeguard your organisation’s digital landscape today!

other cybersecurity services
offered by CISO ONLINE™


ABOUT ‘’Data Protection’’
ciso online’s EXPERT ANSWERS

What is data protection?

Data protection involves safeguarding important information from corruption, compromise, or loss. It encompasses policies, procedures, and technologies that ensure data privacy and security.

Why is data protection important?

Data protection is crucial for maintaining the privacy of individuals, protecting sensitive information, complying with regulations, and ensuring business continuity.

What are the common methods of data protection?

Common methods include encryption, access control, data masking, backup and recovery, data loss prevention (DLP), and secure data disposal.

What is data encryption?

Data encryption is the process of converting plaintext data into a coded form (ciphertext) to prevent unauthorized access. It requires a key for decryption to read the original data.

What are the differences between data privacy and data security?

Data privacy focuses on managing how data is collected, used, and shared, ensuring that individuals’ information is handled according to their preferences. Data security focuses on protecting data from unauthorized access and breaches.

What are the main data protection regulations?

Major regulations include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).

What is the GDPR, and how does it affect data protection?

The GDPR is a regulation in the European Union that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal data. It mandates stringent data protection measures and grants individuals rights over their personal data.

What is data masking, and why is it used?

Data masking involves obscuring specific data within a database to protect it from unauthorized access while maintaining its usability for testing and analysis. It’s often used to protect sensitive information.

How can organizations ensure data protection in cloud environments?

Organizations can ensure data protection in the cloud by using encryption, implementing access controls, regularly auditing and monitoring cloud services, and choosing reputable cloud providers.

What is a data breach, and what steps should be taken if one occurs?

A data breach is an incident where sensitive, protected, or confidential data is accessed or disclosed without authorization. Steps include identifying and containing the breach, assessing the impact, notifying affected parties, and improving security measures.

What is Microsoft Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

Microsoft DLP is a set of tools and features integrated into Microsoft 365 services designed to identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information across emails, documents, and other data stored in cloud services.

What types of sensitive information can Microsoft DLP detect?

Microsoft DLP can detect a wide range of sensitive information types, including credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, health records, financial data, and custom sensitive information defined by the organization.

How does Microsoft DLP work?

Microsoft DLP uses content analysis techniques, such as pattern matching and machine learning, to identify sensitive information. It then applies policies to control how this information is shared and handled.

What Microsoft 365 services are supported by DLP?

Microsoft DLP is supported across several Microsoft 365 services, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

What actions can be taken when a DLP policy rule is triggered?

Actions include notifying users, blocking content from being shared, logging the event, encrypting the email, and allowing users to override the policy with justification.

Can Microsoft DLP policies be customized?

Yes, DLP policies can be customized to match the specific needs of an organization. You can define custom sensitive information types, set specific conditions, and choose appropriate actions.

What are the default templates available in Microsoft DLP?

Microsoft DLP provides default templates for various regulatory and industry standards, including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and more, to help organizations quickly implement compliance measures.

What is the role of DLP reports and alerts?

DLP reports and alerts provide visibility into policy enforcement, help identify potential data breaches, and allow administrators to take corrective actions.

How does DLP protect data in Exchange Online?

In Exchange Online, DLP scans emails and attachments for sensitive information and applies policies to prevent unauthorized sharing, such as blocking the email or encrypting its contents.

Can DLP policies be applied to data in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business?

Yes, DLP policies can monitor and protect documents stored in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business by identifying sensitive content and restricting access or sharing based on policy rules.

What is Endpoint DLP, and how does it work?

Endpoint DLP extends data protection to endpoints (like laptops and desktops) by monitoring and controlling actions such as copying sensitive data to USB drives or uploading it to unapproved cloud services.

How can organizations ensure compliance with data protection regulations using Microsoft DLP?

Organizations can use Microsoft DLP to implement and enforce policies that align with regulatory requirements, monitor compliance, and generate reports for audits.

What are the benefits of using Microsoft DLP?
Benefits include protecting sensitive information, reducing the risk of data breaches, ensuring regulatory compliance, increasing visibility into data usage, and providing user education and awareness.
How does Microsoft DLP handle false positives?

Microsoft DLP allows fine-tuning of policies and the use of conditions and exceptions to reduce false positives. Administrators can review incidents and adjust policies as needed.

Can DLP policies be tested before full deployment?

Yes, DLP policies can be tested in audit mode, where they monitor and report policy matches without enforcing actions, allowing administrators to refine policies before full deployment.

How do you manage and update DLP policies over time?

DLP policies should be regularly reviewed and updated to address evolving threats, changing business needs, and new regulatory requirements. This includes refining detection rules, updating actions, and ensuring policies remain effective.

How does Microsoft DLP protect sensitive data?

Microsoft DLP refers to a set of technologies and strategies designed to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, leakage, or loss of sensitive data. It helps protect sensitive information from accidental or intentional exposure across various locations such as Exchange Email, SharePoint sites, OneDrive accounts, Teams chat and channel messages, Endpoint Devices, Cloud Apps, and on-premises repositories. 

How does Microsoft DLP work with Microsoft Purview?

Microsoft Purview is leveraged to define DLP policies safeguarding data across multiple locations. It works in conjunction with AAD, Endpoint DLP, Defender for Endpoint, and Defender for Cloud capabilities to detect and prevent exfiltration of sensitive and protected data from endpoint devices. 

What are the key features of Microsoft DLP?

 Key features include the ability to identify and classify sensitive information, define policies to control access to sensitive information, and track the movement of sensitive information within the organization to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches

What is Microsoft Purview?
Microsoft Purview is a comprehensive set of solutions designed to help organizations manage and govern their data across various platforms. It includes tools for data discovery, classification, and protection, ensuring that sensitive information is handled securely and in compliance with regulations.
How does Microsoft Purview help with data governance?
Microsoft Purview provides a unified data governance solution that helps organizations understand their data landscape, maintain control over data use, and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
What are the components of Microsoft Purview?
Microsoft Purview includes the Microsoft Purview Data Map, Microsoft Purview Data Catalog, and Microsoft Purview compliance portal, among other tools, to provide a holistic approach to data governance.
How does Microsoft Purview enhance DLP capabilities?
Microsoft Purview is used to define DLP policies safeguarding data across multiple locations, leveraging Purview, AAD, Endpoint DLP, Defender for Endpoint, and Defender for Cloud capabilities. It provides DLP capability to detect and prevent exfiltration of sensitive and protected data from endpoint devices.
What is the importance of Endpoint DLP with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint?
Endpoint DLP integrated with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint helps protect sensitive information and prevent its inadvertent disclosure. It detects sensitive content and helps prevent accidental oversharing both within and outside the organization.
How does Endpoint DLP function within Microsoft Purview?
Endpoint DLP is part of the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention suite, used to discover and protect sensitive items across Microsoft 365 services. It monitors onboarded Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS devices to detect when sensitive items are used and shared.
Can Endpoint DLP work on non-Windows devices?

Endpoint DLP supports Windows 10 Enterprise 1809+ and the three latest released versions of macOS. There is an evaluation for expanding support for Linux and mobile platforms in the future.

Which browsers are supported for Microsoft DLP?

For Windows devices, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome (with Microsoft Purview Chrome Extension), and Firefox (coming soon) are supported for blocking the upload of sensitive files to cloud apps. For macOS devices, Safari is also supported. 

Can Microsoft DLP work on non-Windows devices?
Endpoint DLP supports Windows 10, 11 and the three latest released versions of MacOS.
Will the Mail app be monitored by Endpoint DLP (personal, Gmail, Yahoo)?
Yes, desktop applications will be supported. Webmail will be done with domain restrictions
What is Microsoft Defender for Cloud?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps prevent, detect, and respond to threats with increased visibility into and control over the security of your resources. It provides integrated security monitoring and policy management across your subscriptions and works with a broad ecosystem of security solutions. 

What is Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a feature that provides expanded visibility and control over apps that access your Microsoft 365 data. It tracks non-Microsoft apps that use OAuth to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID, as well as Google and Salesforce, and provides out-of-box detections and customizable policies that track various app attributes and behaviors. 

What types of actions can Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps take on cloud apps that trigger policy?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps can generate alerts based on Microsoft threat intelligence to identify apps that are malicious and track various app attributes and behaviors that can indicate misuse and risk.